Virtually every day in Oscar's life begins with a walk to the park and a healthy dose of playing fetch. Instead of being resigned to such a predictable pattern Oscar shows so much excitement upon getting up that you know there's only one thing on his mind: let's get to the park already! Once we arrive we go through pretty much the same sequence each time: throw the ball, chase the ball, catch the ball, bring it back, sit and wait for the next throw. Maybe we sniff some bushes or eat some grass in between throws but essentially the same actions are repeated many times until it's time to go home.
Oscar gets tired when it's warmer out but when we're out snowshoeing he has more stamina so that I believe if someone were willing to throw him snowballs for an entire day he would not get tired of catching them and would be beginning for more and more. So search out for those things you love doing and do them as much as possible: boredom and repetition do not necessarily go hand in hand.
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