Sam had been staying at Oscar's house for the last few days so they had gotten used to each other's company when it was time for Sam to go back home. It was taxing for the humans to separate the canines as they both wanted to be on the same side of the front door at all times. We finally managed to get Sam to leave the house unaccompanied but she obviously didn't want to go alone: she kept looking back at the house where she knew her best friend was. Eventually she hopped up into the car but it was a prolonged departure. For his part, Oscar was perched on the window sill, watching his friend reluctantly walk away. For the rest of the evening he was entirely subdued, remaining a little distant from us, and he went to bed early in a seemingly morose mood.
All in all, it was a difficult event to witness but at least we know they will have plenty of future opportunities to rekindle their friendship. And in a few days' time both dogs will have moved on to more pressing matters because, as we learned in lesson 3, It's All About the Here and Now.
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