Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Lesson #11: Cover Your Tracks

Oscar is one of those dogs who feels it is necessary to hide his 'business' from the world. He usually does a poor job of actually covering it up but it's not for a lack of effort. The one and only time he was actually successful in making his deposit disappear from sight involved a fortuitously placed pile of leaves. I don't know what evolutionary purpose this behavior serves but it must originate from somewhere because it is common to see dogs digging away at the earth with their back legs immediately after having visited nature's water closet.

What particularly strikes me about the Professor's innate desire to cover his tracks is that now he has started to dig after number ones as well. Which happens quite a bit because he likes to pee on anything and everything. So now every time we go to the park it feels like he is constantly either relieving himself or flinging his legs behind him, scraping at the ground with all four paws in a frantic attempt to cover his tracks completely.

But since the whole point of marking territory is to inform other canines that you've been there what exactly is the purpose of then trying to hide your impact? It seems as though I do not understand certain secrets of the world and that my studies with the Professor are far from complete.

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